Tag Archives: piano

Teaching & Performing – Genny & Feona

In this podcast, Genny and I discuss teaching and performing. Watch to find out more!

As a teacher who also engages in performing, the path of blending these two passions brings forth a unique set of challenges and celebrations. The classroom becomes a stage where knowledge is shared, skills are honed, and connections are formed. The challenge lies in navigating the diverse learning styles and needs of students, adapting teaching methods to captivate and inspire. It demands continuous growth, embracing new techniques, and fostering a nurturing environment that encourages students to reach their full potential. Concurrently, being a performer opens up avenues for self-expression and artistic exploration. It entails countless hours of dedicated practice, overcoming stage fright, and conveying emotions through music. The stage becomes a canvas where the teacher-turned-performer strives to ignite joy, inspire audiences, and share the transformative power of music. Celebrations come in witnessing the growth and success of students, witnessing their progress from novices to confident performers. It is the shared sense of achievement when students master a challenging piece or experience the thrill of a standing ovation after a performance. It is in those moments that the challenges become worthwhile, and the intertwining of teaching and performing becomes a harmonious symphony of fulfillment and passion.


All Major Scale Fingerings for Piano – [Music Theory Mondays]

In this video I cover all the major scale fingerings for piano.

Mastering all major scale fingerings for piano is an essential milestone for every aspiring pianist. These fingerings provide a solid foundation for understanding and navigating the keyboard with efficiency and ease. Learning the different finger patterns associated with each major scale not only enhances technical proficiency but also strengthens overall finger dexterity, coordination, and muscle memory. Moreover, major scales serve as the building blocks for countless melodies, harmonies, and chord progressions in music. By familiarizing oneself with these scale fingerings, pianists gain a deeper understanding of music theory, enabling them to recognize patterns, transpose melodies, and improvise more confidently. Ultimately, the knowledge and proficiency in major scale fingerings empower pianists to approach a vast repertoire with greater skill, creativity, and musicality.


Microtonality in the Music of Harry Partch and Alex Wand – Alex & Feona

In this podcast, we discuss microtonality in the music of Harry Partch and Alex Wand. Watch to find out more! Find Alex: https://alexwand.bandcamp.com/ https://www.alexwand.com/

Microtonality, a distinctive feature of Harry Partch’s music, revolutionizes the traditional Western tonal system by exploring the intricate nuances between the conventional notes. Partch’s pioneering work in creating his own musical scales and instruments enables him to delve into the realm of microtonal compositions. By incorporating intervals smaller than the standard Western semitone, Partch unlocks a world of harmonic possibilities, evoking rich and complex textures. His unique tunings and scales resonate with a sense of otherworldliness, pushing the boundaries of traditional harmony and melody. Partch’s microtonal music invites listeners to expand their perception of sound and challenges the limitations of Western tonal conventions, ultimately redefining our understanding and appreciation of music itself.


My 208 Ensemble Video Statement

I created a video statement for 208 Ensemble’s call for Scores from underrepresented composers. In this video I share a little about myself, how I got started as a pianist and composer, my work as a composer, as well as a few things most people wouldn’t normally know about me.

Commission Details:

208 Ensemble is proud to introduce Avant-Garden, our flagship project designed to cultivate an accessible, collaborative environment for the performance of contemporary art and commission chamber music annually from emerging and
underrepresented composers.




Beginning Piano Lessons: Naming the Black Keys

In this lesson I will teach you how to find the names of the black keys on the piano.

In my previous video I covered the names of the white keys. You will need to know them as the names of the black keys are based off of the white keys.

When musicians talk about the notes A, B, C, D, E, F, and G, they are referring to the natural notes or the white keys on the keyboard. Notes can be altered with the use of accidentals, which are known as sharps and flats. Accidentals are used to raise or lower the pitch of a tone.

Think of the black keys as having nicknames. Each black key has two names: it’s sharp name and its flat name depending on if we had to raise or lower the closest white key to get there.

A Sharp is a symbol that tells us to raise that note by a half step. A half step is the smallest step we can take on the piano going up or down.

If we take Middle C and raise it by a half step we get to this black key, which is known as C#. If we find D and go up a half step, we get to the black key known as D#. If we find F and go up a half step we arrive at F#, etc.

A Flat is a symbol that tells us to lower a note by a half step. If we take D and lower it a half step, we come to Db. If we find E and lower it a half step we arrive at Eb. If we find B and lower it a half step we arrive at Bb, etc.

Sometimes, you will run into a white key who’s nickname or enharmonic name is a sharp or flat name depending on how it is written. An example of this is Cb. Cb is actually B natural. Another example is E#. If we raise E by a half step, we get to the note F, which is sometimes written as E#. White notes written as sharp or flat notes show up depending on what scale you are playing in.

Now that you know how to name the sharp and flat name for each black keys, let’s practice naming enharmonic notes. When a black key has a sharp and flat name that are written differently but are actually the same note on the piano, they are called, enharmonic notes. C# and Db are enharmonic notes because they are written or spelled differently but are actually the same exact note on the piano.


1) Pick a random black key and name it’s sharp name and flat name.
2) Find all the Sharp keys: A#, B#, C#, D#, E#, F#, and G#
3) Find all the Flat keys: Ab, Bb, Cb, Db, Eb, Fb, and Gbfacebooktwittergoogle_plusredditpinterest